
What can I do with my Fileverse Portal?

Fileverse Portal is an Onchain alternative to Google Workspace & Notion. Create, store, share any content including decentralised docs, knowledge bases, digital gardens, whiteboards, slides… on your own or as a group!


Why Fileverse?

Because we all deserve a better and healthier Internet experience. Fileverse uses peer-to-peer storage networks, end-to-end encryption, Onchain super powers. It’s fully owned by you. It’s all by design, not by promise dear anon <3


Tell me more…

Each Fileverse Portal is a self-deployed file management and collaboration smart contract. It acts as your content hash directory and allows you to set granular access permissions for your files, folders and Portal. The interface/UI is hosted on IPFS, making the whole collaboration app available to you without requiring our servers.

Create your Fileverse account

Collaborate Onchain, experience a better Internet.
Decentralised, encrypted, modular.
